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Pia Rockström

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Living for two

Living for two - twin loss stories

The loss of ones twin presents a unique sense of grief in that twins have shared their lives with each other from their very first heartbeats, and often share a special bond.

Twin loss presents a unique sense of grief for the surviving twin. Twins have shared their lives with each other from their very first heartbeats. This book addresses the topic of twin loss through sensitive, in-depth interviews with surviving twins. These interviews highlight this relationship between twins and the strong sense of grief experienced by the living twin when one of them dies, at any point in their lives. Interviewees describe how they encountered grief and how they found a way forward, sharing deeply personal aspects of their lives along with photos. The title "Living for two" alludes to what many lonely twins experience, that they have been given the chance that their twin did not get, and now must live for two. The surviving twin feels an unconscious expectation to take advantage of life and do something meaningful. Many of the twins also feel that they have their dead twin with them as a strength in life.

150,00 kr
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8,49 kr

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